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Master Projects

The course of studies 'MSc. Operations Management' (Wirtschaftsingenieur) with the majors logistics and production lasts 3 semesters is known as a “Project Master”, ie the students earn 50 percent of their credits by taking part in a project which is usually carried out with a company. The lectures offered are adapted to topics related to the focal points of the project so that an optimal learning environment in the context of concrete applications is created. Social skills are of course also trained and enhanced.   

And how will you benefit?

If you are planning an exciting and demanding project, we can support you with the skills of up to 15 experienced BSc. graduates studying in the Project Master Program together with their supervising professor.  

Our experience from completed projects shows that the companies benefit from these projects at least as much as the students, who may be their future employees.

Interested? Then contact us.